Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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;;;; Utility functions for debugging in Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aubrey Jaffer.
;Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it
;for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
;in full.
;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
;each case.
(define (debug:print . args)
(define result #f)
(for-each (lambda (x) (set! result x) (write x) (display #\ )) args)
(define *qp-width* (output-port-width (current-output-port)))
(define debug:qpn
(let ((newline newline) (apply apply))
(lambda objs (apply debug:qp objs) (newline))))
(define debug:qpr
(let ((- -) (apply apply) (length length) (list-ref list-ref))
(lambda objs (apply debug:qpn objs)
(list-ref objs (- (length objs) 1)))))
(define debug:qp
((+ +) (- -) (< <) (= =) (>= >=) (apply apply) (boolean? boolean?)
(car car) (cdr cdr) (char? char?) (display display) (eq? eq?)
(for-each for-each) (input-port? input-port?)
(not not) (null? null?) (number->string number->string)
(number? number?) (output-port? output-port?) (eof-object? eof-object?)
(procedure? procedure?) (string-length string-length)
(string? string?) (substring substring)
(symbol->string symbol->string) (symbol? symbol?)
(vector-length vector-length) (vector-ref vector-ref)
(vector? vector?) (write write) (quotient quotient))
(lambda (pairs max-cdrs)
((null? pairs) 0)
((< max-cdrs 1) 1)
((pair? pairs) (+ 1 (num-cdrs (cdr pairs) (- max-cdrs 1))))
(else 1))))
(lambda (room pairs)
(quotient room (num-cdrs pairs (quotient room 8)))))
(lambda (cdrs room)
((null? cdrs) 0)
((not (pair? cdrs))
(display " . ")
(+ 3 (qp-obj cdrs (l-elt-room (- room 3) cdrs))))
((< 11 room)
(display #\ )
((lambda (used)
(+ (qp-pairs (cdr cdrs) (- room used)) used))
(+ 1 (qp-obj (car cdrs) (l-elt-room (- room 1) cdrs)))))
(display " ...") 4))))
(lambda (room vleft)
(quotient room (min vleft (quotient room 8)))))
(lambda (vect i room)
((= (vector-length vect) i) 0)
((< 11 room)
(display #\ )
((lambda (used)
(+ (qp-vect vect (+ i 1) (- room used)) used))
(+ 1 (qp-obj (vector-ref vect i)
(v-elt-room (- room 1)
(- (vector-length vect) i))))))
(display " ...") 4))))
(lambda (str room)
((>= (string-length str) room 3)
(display (substring str 0 (- room 3)))
(display "...")
(display str)
(string-length str)))))
(lambda (obj room)
((null? obj) (write obj) 2)
((boolean? obj) (write obj) 2)
((char? obj) (write obj) 8)
((number? obj) (qp-string (number->string obj) room))
((string? obj)
(display #\")
((lambda (ans) (display #\") ans)
(+ 2 (qp-string obj (- room 2)))))
((symbol? obj) (qp-string (symbol->string obj) room))
((input-port? obj) (display "#[input]") 8)
((output-port? obj) (display "#[output]") 9)
((procedure? obj) (display "#[proc]") 7)
((eof-object? obj) (display "#[eof]") 6)
((vector? obj)
(set! room (- room 3))
(display "#(")
((lambda (used) (display #\)) (+ used 3))
((= 0 (vector-length obj)) 0)
((< room 8) (display "...") 3)
((lambda (used) (+ (qp-vect obj 1 (- room used)) used))
(qp-obj (vector-ref obj 0)
(v-elt-room room (vector-length obj))))))))
((pair? obj)
(set! room (- room 2))
(display #\()
((lambda (used) (display #\)) (+ 2 used))
(if (< room 8) (begin (display "...") 3)
((lambda (used)
(+ (qp-pairs (cdr obj) (- room used)) used))
(qp-obj (car obj) (l-elt-room room obj))))))
(else (display "#[unknown]") 10)))))
(lambda objs
(qp-pairs (cdr objs)
(- *qp-width*
(qp-obj (car objs) (l-elt-room *qp-width* objs))))))))
(define debug:indent 0)
(define debug:tracef
(let ((null? null?) ;These bindings are so that
(not not) ;tracef will not trace parts
(car car) (cdr cdr) ;of itself.
(eq? eq?) (+ +) (zero? zero?) (modulo modulo)
(apply apply) (display display) (qpn debug:qpn))
(lambda (function . optname)
(set! debug:indent 0)
(let ((name (if (null? optname) function (car optname))))
(lambda args
(cond ((and (not (null? args))
(eq? (car args) 'debug:untrace-object)
(null? (cdr args)))
(do ((i debug:indent (+ -1 i))) ((zero? i)) (display #\ ))
(apply qpn "CALLED" name args)
(set! debug:indent (modulo (+ 1 debug:indent) 8))
(let ((ans (apply function args)))
(set! debug:indent (modulo (+ -1 debug:indent) 8))
(do ((i debug:indent (+ -1 i))) ((zero? i)) (display #\ ))
(qpn "RETURNED" name ans)
;;; the reason I use a symbol for debug:untrace-object is so
;;; that functions can still be untraced if this file is read in twice.
(define (debug:untracef function)
(set! debug:indent 0)
(function 'debug:untrace-object))
;;; Typing (init-debug) at top level sets up a continuation for break.
;;; When (break arg1 ...) is then called it returns from the top level
;;; continuation and pushes the continuation from which it was called
;;; on debug:break-continuation-stack. If (continue) is later
;;; called, it pops the topmost continuation off of
;;; debug:break-continuation-stack and returns #f to it.
(define debug:break-continuation-stack '())
(define debug:break
(let ((call-with-current-continuation call-with-current-continuation)
(apply apply) (qpn debug:qpn)
(cons cons) (length length))
(lambda args
(apply qpn "BREAK:" args)
(lambda (x)
(set! debug:break-continuation-stack
(cons x debug:break-continuation-stack))
(length debug:break-continuation-stack)))))))
(define debug:continue
(let ((null? null?) (car car) (cdr cdr))
(lambda ()
(cond ((null? debug:break-continuation-stack) #f)
(let ((cont (car debug:break-continuation-stack)))
(set! debug:break-continuation-stack
(cdr debug:break-continuation-stack))
(cont #f)))))))
(define debug:top-continuation
(if (provided? 'abort)
(lambda (val) (display val) (newline) (abort))
(begin (display "; type (init-debug)") #f)))
(define (init-debug)
(lambda (x) (set! debug:top-continuation x))))
(define print debug:print)
(define qp debug:qp)
(define qpn debug:qpn)
(define qpr debug:qpr)
(define tracef debug:tracef)
(define untracef debug:untracef)
(define break debug:break)
(define continue debug:continue)